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Discover how Checklists can simplify and foolproof your business workflows.

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Updated over a week ago

An introduction to checklists

Checklists are a brilliant way to ensure what needs to be done, gets done. They're designed to reduce errors and ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out your day-to-day tasks and workflows.

We've built checklists to save you time remembering steps, allowing you to delegate tasks confidently and effectively. Checklists are global across your system and are visible to all members of the team for transparency.

The new Checklists panel lives next to your Activity and classic Task feed.

Adding Checklists:

You can now add Checklists to your Contacts, Organizations and Deals. Simply choose which record type you want to add a Checklists to.

How Checklists work:

Checklists are an easy way to check a list of tasks, items required, or whatever you find appropriate to your business, and mark the ones that are completed. It’s a quick tool to keep track of your business.

Grey Checklists have not yet been activated. Orange Checklists signify that your Checklist has been activated and will clearly show the number of outstanding tasks. Checklists with a green checkmark have been completed. You can also see the time the task was completed and who completed it.

You can set up your checklist on ‘AppSettings’ > ‘Checklists’ > ‘Individuals’, ‘Organizations’ or ‘Deals’ > New Checklist’.

The next step, choose the name of your Checklist.

Some more advanced settings allow you to add your checklist items to your regular task list. Additionally, you can enable a Checklist to be triggered by automation or added to a record as soon as they are created. When you're happy with your checklist click ‘Save’.

After saving your Checklist you should be able to see that your Checklist is in ‘Draft’ mode. To see the Checklist live on a record, you need to change it to ‘Published’. Now, click on your Checklist name, to add some tasks to it.

At this point, your Checklist should be empty, so click on ‘New Task’. Now you have the option to add ‘text’ to your task, select a ‘due date’, assign it to someone in ‘Assignee’, or add tags. By default, everyone can complete tasks, however, you might want to restrict the completion of some tasks to only certain senior people or authorized people on your team.

For certain tasks, you might need to upload files. Enable ‘Upload File’ to upload directly onto the task.

When you have completed your Checklist, return to the main Checklist page and toggle from Draft to Published. Your Checklist will now be live.

Click on the correct record type and you can now begin working through your Checklist. If you choose the option ‘Upload File’ previously, now you also have the option to upload a file in your task.

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